“Natural Hormone Balancing” Success Stories
Part of the fun and fulfillment of this work with my methodology of natural hormone balancing in the form of the program Becoming Balanced via BeBalancedcenters.com, is offering women (and men!) hope for a safe, naturally effective, non-medical approach to seeing results internally as well as externally …all in a short period of time!
Dramatic results, fast!
- You can expect a dramatic reduction PMS symptoms by your very next cycle!
- You can expect menopausal symptoms to decrease in 1 week.
- You can expect a weight loss of 15-20 lbs in 1 month!

“When I balanced my hormones at BeBalanced centers, I lost 14lbs and regulated my PCOS and moods and I also conceived after 2 1/2 years of trying”.
Ashley Wilson
26 years old

“I lost a stubborn 19 pounds in only 4 weeks. Now I’m sleeping better, have more energy and in a more positive, upbeat mood. I feel better at 60 than I did at 40!”
Roxanne Stone
60 years old

“Through natural hormone balancing I was able to lose 70 pounds in less time than I could have imagined”
Patty McDowell
54 years old

“Balancing my hormones allowed me to sleep better and have more energy throughout the day”
Terry Kraft
45 years old

“Since balancing my hormones I feel less irritable and moody with less night sweats.”
Roxanne Barkley
49 years old

Julie M.
I love BeBalanced! I tried all kinds of diets and gimmicks and nothing helped me. After being diagnosed with breast cancer and completing treatments, I knew I had to lose weight for my health. I wanted a lifestyle program that would help me to lose my stubborn, “hormonal” weight for good. BeBalanced was the best decision I made. I completed four months of the weight loss phase and lost 68 lbs and have now maintained that weight for 7 months. I have more energy, am sleeping more soundly and due to the hormone balancing, my abrupt mood swings are now under control! I feel so much better overall and that is important because I am worth it…and so are YOU!

Kristi B.
Kristi Participated in our 30-Day Menopause Makeover and this was her testimonial after just 30 days!
The “Menopause Makeover” truly changed my life. I was so excited because I lost those last 16lbs. of stubborn fat that I had not been able to lose on my own with traditional diet and exercise alone. Now I understand that I truly needed to balance my hormones naturally. I was thrilled to be involved in the Menopause Makeover because now it was time to do something for me! I was having wicked hot flashes that went away quickly as well as my persistnet headaches. My quality of life really improved due to this. I did not want to take synthetic hormones or sleep aids or risky medication to help with these issues. I am also now able to sleep through the night when I used to wake up 3-4 times. My whole outlook and mood has changed and I feel much better about myself thorough doing this. Thanks BeBalanced!

Jean H.
I’m so excited to introduce you to the BeBalanced program! I am thrilled to state that not only have I dropped 30 stubborn pounds of fat, but I feel much more healthy, energetic and terrific. I must admit that I was a tremendous skeptic, since I have tried and failed at many other diets, spending thousands over my lifetime, only to end up frustrated, hungry and heavier than when I began the process. BeBalanced thoroughly explained the science behind the program, and it made sense to me. I had to give it a try! The BeBalanced staff was with me every step of the way, answering my questions, giving me direction and cheering me on to the finish line! I feel like I have my “self” back again. I am more emotionally balanced, sleep through the night, feel rested and energetic in the morning, and NO MORE NIGHT SWEATS! Now that I have taken off the extra weight, I feel energetic enough to continue a healthy eating lifestyle and enjoy daily moderate exercise. If you need to take off the extra weight or need to feel like your youthful self, please take advantage of the BeBalanced program.

Jean M.
When I stepped on the scale on my second day on the BeBalanced program and realized I had dropped four pounds, I thought “That’s never happened in my entire lifetime!” I’ve used every kind of dieting plan known to mankind, but I can tell you that BeBalanced is different. For me, these were the fastest, easiest results I’ve ever gotten. It was just so easy to do! I really appreciate how simple the program is. Once you start, it’s easy to stay on, and if you have a question or a problem, BeBalanced staff are right there to give you customized advice. They’re relatable and easy to talk to. I was already very active, but now, I definitely have more energy. I feel healthier and more like who I really am, not someone who’s trying to be someone else. I lost 31 pounds, and I really couldn’t have done it without BeBalanced. I’ve been through so many attempts to lose weight, but this is the program for me, and I think it’s the program for everybody, really. It was so easy to do that I’m telling all my friends, “This is it! This is what you really need.”

SuAnne A.
I have lost 20 lbs and 33.5 inches total!
Over the past two years I had become extremely frustrated with weight gain, irritability, migraines and cramps with my cycle, occasional night sweats, sleepless nights, which led to always being tired and low self esteem. I had tried a variety of methods to lose weight and feel better. I was running 3 miles a day until serious back surgery ended that route. I counted countless calories and even visited several medical doctors. I had talked with my family doctor, gynecologist and even went to an endocrinologist. Nobody could understand why I kept gaining weight. I do have hypothyroidism but levels have been normal for many years on medication. I even resorted to “the military diet”! I would lose a few pounds here and there but would gain even more after I stopped the diet. I was completely frustrated and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. One day at work I saw an ad for BeBalanced in Lancaster County Woman Magazine. I did some research and decided to attend an informational meeting. After the meeting I went home and discussed with my husband what Dawn had told me in the meeting and he and I decided it was worth a shot! I began the program August 19th. It is October 27th I am currently in the “Lifestyle Phase”. I am feeling so much better about myself! I have lost 20lbs and most amazingly 33.5″ (total from chest, waist, stomach, hips, thigh, biceps and neck)!!! My night sweats are gone, cycle is more tolerant, I have more energy, rarely have a headache (only had one since August) and my self esteem has greatly improved as I am fitting into all of my size two pants again! My confidence and improved moods have greatly helped in my relationship with my husband. I feel as though the weight loss was a secondary benefit as I just plain feel better! I also feel like this has been a “life-change” not just another “program”. I have learned a lot about myself in my attitudes towards food. I also now know which foods I can eat and which ones make me not feel well. Healthy eating is a choice that takes some thinking and time but is 100% worth it! Thank you BeBalanced!

Sandy M.
My road started eight years ago when I had gastric bypass surgery. With the help of the surgery and my continued discipline at the gym, I was able to lose 115 pounds. I was able to maintain that weight loss for six years. Two years ago, I noticed, that despite my healthy eating habits and my working out that I slowly started to once again gain weight. Of course this upset me and scared me as I was determined to never again be heavy. After gaining about 25 pounds I signed up with a trainer at my gym who saw I was frustrated with my inability to lose the weight so he then suggested that menopause and hormones may be fighting against me. That made perfect sense since my symptoms and my struggles happened around the same time. He referred me to the “BeBalanced” program. I started the Becoming Balanced Program and have lost 35 pounds. I am now lower in weight then even after the full effect of my weight loss surgery. My menopausal symptoms have left and become much milder. The program has enabled me to go from a size 16 to a size 12, and I look and feel great! It has accomplished all that it claims! I am very thankful and will recommend BeBalanced to my family or to anyone who struggles with hormones or weight. I am fully convinced that “nothing tastes as good as thin feels”!

Marcy C.
Won our 2014 Holiday “Black Dress“ Makeover Contest!
Each year we run a contest between Thanksgiving and New years for women who want to get a jumpstart on balancing the hormones and losing weight even over the holiday season. Of course they take Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve off but the rest of the month they can peel off the pounds quickly and look great in their black dress by New Year’s Eve. Then we have them submit their testimonials and choose the winner who gets a full makeover at SALON FUSION on Lititz pike (plaza near the airport). Here is Marcy’s Story.
I am extremely happy with the success of the BeBalanced Center’s program! I had two children in less than two years which interfered with my hormone balance and I began gaining weight like crazy. Immediately after starting the BeBalanced Program I noticed a difference and now have the energy level that I did when I was in my 20’s. I’ve lost over twenty pounds in less than two months and dropped 2 pant sizes. Also my migraines, PMS symptoms, bloating, stomach irritation and overall sluggish feeling has completely vanished.

Judy S.
I started the Becoming Balanced diet because my dear friend and her mother had been so successful on it—not only with losing weight but balancing their hormones. I had tried several diets over the years but was unable to lose “belly fat.” I travel for weeks at a time out of the country every month and knew it woudl be difficult to stay on the “plan.” But in just 2 months, I lost 29.4 pounds and 29 pounds of that was “belly fat”! While I definitely wanted to lose the belly fat, my main goal was to get off the numerous prescription hormones I had been taking for more than 10 years. I honestly never dreamed that it would be possible. One week after I reached my “goal weight,” I stopped taking all my prescription hormones—with a feeling of dread that I would be back on them within a couple of days. Miraculously, I have been off all the meds for over a month. I am doing great and feel wonderful. No more joint pain and enormous amount of energy. Thank you, Be Balanced! I am a believer and refer everyone I know to your program.

Roxanne S.
60 years old
When I balanced my hormones at through the Becoming Balanced program at BeBalanced centers, I lost a stubborn 19 pounds in only four weeks. Now I’m sleeping better, have more energy and in a more positive, upbeat mood. I feel better and 60 than I did at 40!

Hollie A.
After reading Dawn Cutillo’s book, The Hormone “Shift”, I called the BeBalanced Center. The staff there is always helpful and knowledgeable. So, if you are having issues with weight loss, and your hormones are out of whack, you have to check out Dawn‘s book, and call the center. They have the answers to help you lose weight, understand what is going on with your hormones, and how to correct it through diet and supplements. They do not offer a bandaid, or a quick fix. They offer you all the information you could possibly need about hormones and why your body is doing what it is doing, more so than my MD! It was such a relief to find them. I was 215 lbs. at 5ʹ5ʺ, and even though I ate right and exercised I continued to gain weight. I had tried other avenues, like Weight Watchers, starving and even looked into gastric bypass as a last resort. When I found the Be Balanced Center, I found answers. I am currently at 168.8 lbs. That is a 46.2 lbs. down. My goal is 50 lbs. The weight loss is consistent and it’s staying off. I’m so pleased with the center and everything I have learned.

Cyndy R.
My journey with the BeBalanced Center started almost a year ago, after my daughter had amazing results on the program. I am 54 years old stand at 5ʹ2” and weighed 170 lbs. and felt horrible. Due to a back injury I became more sedentary and gained weight over a number of years. Due to inflammation in my body and going through menopause I wasn’t losing weight even with diet and exercise. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and cholesterol, not to mention depression. Last November I began the weight loss portion of the BeBalanced program and within 28 days had lost approximately 26 lbs. After a few rounds of the weight loss program I have lost a total of 50 lbs. I am currently off medications for my high cholesterol and blood pressure, also the symptoms of my autoimmune disorder and fibromyalgia have subsided. The best part of the program is learning how to maintain the weight once you have lost. Each step of the program is supported with vitamins and supplements so your body is getting all the proper nutrients and it’s homeopathic. By following the guidelines set in the manual and going through the Maintenance and Lifestyle phases you reset your metabolism and learn what foods you are sensitive to eating. For me cutting back on dairy and eliminating gluten has made me feel much better. By adding the natural hormone creams after the weight loss it helps to keep your blood sugar and insulin steady so that you do not crave the sweets and carbs anymore. Even if you want to indulge from time to time you can do so without gaining back all the weight. Lastly, my mood has been so much better, I can exercise again without terrible pain and I am sleeping through the night without hot flashes! I would like to thank Nicola and Kelly from the BeBalanced Center in Lancaster for their support and caring throughout my journey.

Christine C.
I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life. Almost a year ago, I discovered Be Balanced and my life has truly changed for the positive in many aspects. The Be Balanced program has helped me in ways I had never expected. After losing more than 110 pounds, I am more active, sleep soundly and overall much healthier. The education that I have received throughout this journey is amazing and it allowed me to lose the weight and gain confidence. Besides the changes in my physical appearance, I am less stressed and have learned ways to relax and get a great night’s sleep. IVIy only regret is not starting this program sooner!

Sharee A. Certified Master Trainer
“ I’ve helped hundreds if not thousands of people lose weight but I couldn’t do it for myself. I ate 4-6 meals per day, drank a gallon of water, exercised and nothing changed…except me going through menopause. All the tricks I knew to help peopleweight would not work for me now until the BeBalanced program. Now I’m lean and happy. Jen and I both lost 20 pounds in the first month and we continue to keep this weight off and I want to keep going.”

Jen R. Sports Nutritionist Consultant, ISMA Master Trainer
“ We have been asked over the years to endorse many products and programs and we never did, until now because BeBalanced really works. It worked for us! With everything we know about exercise and nutrition, it was that last piece that was missing, the hormone balancing, that BeBalanced really helped!”

Jennifer C.
The BeBalanced program has been such a blessing in my life. I had been dealing with hot flashes that progressively had gotten worse, since around age 40. I have always exercised and had a pretty healthy eating lifestyle; however, I kept putting on weight and while I might take off 5 pounds it would come right back. My mid-section was expanding, I had some joint pain and I wasn’t sleeping well. Simply put…I wasn’t myself. I started the BeBalanced program in January of 2017 and noticed changes within a week of being in the first phase. The hot flashes completely stopped within 3 days and within 20 days I had lost 10 pounds. When I started the program I was around 144 pounds and as of March 2017, I now fluctuate between 126 and 127. I am down a clothing size, I have zero hot flashes, no joint pain and I am sleeping through the night. I finally feel like myself again. I actually exercise less; but when I do exercise it is purposeful and focused. This program has taught me not only how to balance my hormones and eating; but ot balance exercise and stress. I am not a stressed person; but stress comes in all forms and can affect our bodies without us realizing it. I think the name of the program speaks for itself. BeBalanced is about offering a natural and healthy way for a person to be balanced as a whole. I am thankful and grateful for this program. I absolutely recommend it 100%…it has changed my life.

Gary and Sandra
Sandra dropped 4 dress sizes and 3 medications!
“I absolutely LOVE food! So the thought of doing this program was a bit unnerving, if not somewhat terrifying for me. I’ve known for a very long time that I was a carb addict. Bread, pies, cakes, etc.… you name I could eat the whole thing without batting an eye! However, I was getting older and bigger every day. When I was younger, I was pretty thin and didn’t ever need to diet but after I had my second son, the weight just didn’t come off like it did with the first pregnancy. Bit by bit, the pounds crept on. I was approaching the dreaded 200lb mark. I was really uncomfortable in my own skin. I had tried other programs but they never really worked. September 2016 was the 2nd time I saw BeBalanced and it was on Facebook and took the Free Hormone Assessment and found out my hormones were extremely “out of wack”. I was contacted for a consultation and I decided to check it out. I am so very glad I did! The 1st month on BeBalanced, the weight seems to melt off and pretty quickly, which keeps you motivated. When my hubby saw how well I was doing he decided to jump on the band wagon and join me. It is awesome to have a partner in all of this. I’ve been able to discontinue my medications for high blood pressure and high cholesterol and my Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also gone. I’ve gone from a size 14 or 16 to a size 8. I’ve lost between 45–50 lbs. and at last check, over 27 inches. I sleep better and more soundly. As time goes by, when I do try to eat some of those starchy/carby foods again, I really don’t feel that great. The biggest surprise of all is they don’t taste that great anymore. Overall, I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I just feel better about myself in general. I owe it to this program.”
Gary dropped 3 pants sizes and his blood pressure & triglycerides!
I am 51 years old truck driver who is diabetic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. I was always worried when it came time get my yearly physical to keep driving if I was going to pass. My wife had done research on BeBalanced and decided to try it. After 1 month I saw her results and I had a visit to the center and had a lot of questions for her. As a truck driver I have long days of approximately 14 hours and being awake for anywhere from 17–20 hours. My body requires a lot more energy to stay alert and focused for that amount of time but they were able to adjust a little my plan to help with this situation so I decided to try it. It was the best decision I ever made! I am down between 50 to 55 lbs. I am off all my medications for all my “ailments” except for 1 of my diabetes drugs but am in the process of weening myself off the last drug with the supervision of my doctor. I am a lot more alert and sharp all day long. The life planning at the end of the weight loss has been a big help also as I have found a couple foods that will be my “trigger” foods which will cause me to throw myself out of wack so as a result those foods I do not eat any more. I strongly recommend this program to everyone. I told them that if I can make this work anyone can. I can now justify buying myself a new wardrobe as I have gone down at least 3 pant sizes and even my shirts can be smaller if cut right.
Other Reviews
*These reviews are from verified customers of BeBalanced Centers.
So thankful for this program
I am so happy to have found this program. I was struggling with losing weight. I started this program in June and am on my second round of weight loss and have lost roughly 25 lbs since then. The staff is so supportive and I feel more determined after each meeting with a staff member. If you are looking to lose weight and are struggling, I highly recommend that you look into this program.
Traci H.So worth it!
I am down almost 30 pounds and feel great! I have more to go and find this program perfect for me to accomplish it. I have had a few moments of temptation but the results keep putting me back on track. Nicola is very helpful and non-judgmental when I slip up. I can honestly recommend this. It works!!
Connie L.Relaxing Massage
Chris gives a wonderful, relaxing massage. He also does other kinds of massages, too, if that is what someone desires. He was very attuned to what I needed/wanted for my session. I was also impressed with his knowledge about the human body during our conference a few weeks prior to my massage. I would recommend Chris to anyone.
Virginia Y.What a Difference 3 weeks can make!
By the time I turned 56, my hormones were out of balance and I was 20 pounds too heavy. I saw Dawn Cutillo on Carol Alt’s show on the Fox News Channel and immediately ordered her book, The Hormone “Shift.” I saw myself on every page! Although I feared it was too good to be true, I started the plan. What a difference 3 weeks makes! I lost the desired weight and then some. My clothes fit loosely now and I feel so much better about myself. I’m so glad I made this commitment to myself.
Dorinda T.Being Balanced is the Answer
I looked into this program because I have tried numerous diets, exercise programs, & medications trying to lose the menopause issues of belly fat, sleeplessness, irritability, & hot flashes. Being a junk food addict I found the first few days tough but I religiously stuck to the plan & quickly started seeing the weight drop. I have lost 15.6 pounds in 42 days, I am sleeping thru the night, I am much calmer, I have more energy & have reduced my hot flashes. It really is all about being balanced!
Kitty W.Finally!
After turning 50 a few years ago and with my hormones becoming imbalanced, I quickly gained over 15 pounds. Like most, I tried everything I could think of but nothing worked. After seeing a show on the Fox News Channel promoting the book “The Hormone Shift”, I thought, “what the heck.” So I read it, then applied the principals. I remained skeptical, but felt desperate. But now I’m a believer! This truly works! I feel and look great! My energy is back, and my sleep is restful. Thank you!
Dorinda T.Ready for a life change
hello all, I recently had my consultation with Dawn who was very knowledgeable and instantly felt comfortable as well as informed of an important lifestyle change of a healthier me!! If you get the chance-go for it!
Daniella T.Great First Meeting
I had a wonderful meeting with Dawn, she went over everything in great detail and explained it in a way that was easy to understand. She did not pressure me to sign up or buy anything, but after hearing what she said, I was convinced. I’m excited to start the program and see the results!
Kacey O.Office Visit
I had the pleasure of visiting the Lancaster office in June and talk with Dawn. I have been interested since seeing Dawn on the Carol Alt show on Fox News. Dawn was very accommodating and stayed with me until all my questions were answered. When I return home to Florida in August, I will be contacting the BeBalanced Center online so I can start the weight loss program. I am very excited and can’t wait to begin losing weight.
Carol S.Great Program
The program is great. It’s easy to follow. It really works. I started at 258 pounds and within two months I am 227 pounds. I couldn’t be happier with my experience. The young lady I worked with Nicola is great. If I need anything just call. I’m still losing weight and I feel great. I would recommend this product because it works. It has changed my life. I am very thankful my sister-in law recommended this program. I’m a happy camper.
Kristine G.Excellent Results and Wonderful Staff
I am very pleased with the results of this program. I have lost over 20lbs. in less than 2 months and gone down 2 pants sizes even over the holidays! I enjoy working with Nicola because she is very supportive and motivating. I’m looking forward to shedding these last 10lbs and getting ready for the summer!
Marcy C.Encourage and Commit
I came to BeBalaneed Center depressed because my life was out of control. I was at my heaviest weight, with no energy, and living in fear of developing health issues. What I didn’t expect was to walk into the center and develop so much more. My journey of a life style change has begun and has far exceeded all my expectations. The team is dedicated and committed to helping me succeed at living a holistic lifestyle that is forever changing my life. I am so grateful and telling all my friends!
Heather M.Love this plan!!!
I have tried every diet available for “belly fat”. I have to take hormones or suffer migraines every other day. It was impossible to lose my “tummy”. I have been on the diet for 3 1/2 weeks and lost 15.8 pounds — predominately in my middle. I can no longer “pinch an inch” and am beginning to see my “abs” again. It’s a very “easy” diet to follow. I’m hoping to not only lose to my goal weight but balance my hormones and get off all the estrogen and progestin meds.
Judy S.My Weight Loss Experience
I have gained weight over the years after having my children and taking care of every one but myself. I have tried to lose the extra weight but couldn’t seem to get very far. I felt it would be a miracle if I could lose this weight. I started the program in July and am very happy to say that I lost 26 lbs. I want to be healthy and be around for my family. Dawn and Sheila were a great help with getting me started and helpful answering my questions. I am very thankful that my miracle was realized.
Barbara E.I’m Hopeful Again
I am 44 yrs old, feeling like no one can help me until I met Dawn and sat down with her. She was very informative and answered all my questions. If you have an issue or question she is quick to respond back to you. I can tell she genuinely cares and does not pressure you in any way to buy the products. Set up an appointment with Dawn. You’ll love her!
Tammie E.Very thorough
I was impressed with the way the program was explained to me in detail and the teaching tools used such as the video I watched, all my questions were answered very thoroughly and I now have a better understanding and knowledge of HMC. I did not feel rushed and Dawn was extremely knowledgeable and made me feel right at home.
Donna J.Trouble with diet
But the ladies have been real good to me. And we are learning some medication can slow things down. But they have work real hard with me. I feel like I am special to them. Now we thing we are now on the right track. I was losing only a couple of pound, But now we will lost it for sure, Thank you for helping me not to give in.
Gloria P.A well balanced program
The programs work well. I have recommended this program to several of my friends looking to loose weight and become more balanced. I felt good about dropping the weight and eating better. I felt as if I could handle day to day stress better and I was actually able to sleep sound through out the night. I feel a little more follow-up communication via phone or email would be a good idea to keep clients engaged and on track.
Debi G.Just starting!
I met Dawn when she was speaking at my NAPW meeting and was interested immediately. I bought her book and read it. I did not start immediately because I had some other health issues that was nearing completion and I wanted a clear separation between my therapy and staring the program. So far so good and I’m very optimistic about meeting my goal!
Pat M.Best Plan EVER for Weight Loss
After I had to start taking hormones, none of the diets I tried worked for belly fat loss. This one DOES. I have lost 25.6 pounds in less than 4 weeks and it was EASY. Have gotten so many of my friends to try it because I look so GREAT!
Judy S.So happy!!
At the age of 44 I went into menopause. I started gaining weight no matter what I did, exercise or eating healthy. I saw Dawn promoting her book on FOX news and I was answering all of her questions “That’s Me” so immediately bought “The Hormone Shift” I went to the website and saw that Dawn was only an hour away so I made an appointment and I am so grateful to Dawn and Nicola. I have lost 30 pounds, my hot flashes have diminished, I sleep through the night and I feel GREAT!!! Thank you!!!
I struggled a little bit in the beginning making a change in my daily food habits, but after a week and lost weight in all those areas I had tried for years to lose…I was motivated to keep going! I overall felt great aside from the weight loss, and think my habits will improve and will no longer be at war with food~
Daniella T.First Appointment
My appointment with Dawn was very informative. She is a very kind woman who took the time to listen to me and helped me understand what is going on with my terrible menopause symptoms. Dawn is very knowledgeable with hormone balancing and I am looking forward to feeling better.
C. S.It really does work!!!!!
I am very pleased with my diet plan. I’ve only been on the diet a week and I have lost 10 pounds so far! That’s a whole pant size! I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis which makes me very tired and unmotivated. Since I’ve been on the diet, I feel refreshed with energy. Thank you! Thank you! I feel like I’m getting my life back.
Joann H.